“I before E, except after C”… unless you’re using T9 or have a spell check tool that is. With technology and the internet, it’s almost impossible to be a poor speller nowadays. If you’re sending a text message, chances are you’ve got the entry mode set to T9, and if you are unsure of a word, it’ll type it for you, or fix it after you’re done typing it. If you’re in a word document, the spell checker is right there for you, and if you’re still unsure, you can always go to, and find out not only the spelling, but the meaning, some synonyms, antonyms, and different uses for the word! How has the internet and technology helped you with your spelling and grammar?
Internet Lingo
Joey: Wtf?!
Susan: Idk!
Joey: Sry
Susan: Lol!
Joey: Brb
Hmm, fifteen letters in that entire conversation. Not bad for a time saver. Do you know what they’re saying? Of course you do. Whether you’re typing on a social networking site, in a personal email, an instant messenger, or a text message, I’m sure at the very least, you’ve used Lol. We’ve got some other ones that might be useful to you.
143: I Love You
2G2BT: Too Good to Be True
4EAE: Forever and Ever
4COL: For Crying Out Loud
<3: Heart
ABT2: About To
AFC: Away From Computer
AKA: Also Known As
ASAP: As Soon As Possible
B4N: Bye for Now
BBL: Be Back Later
BZ: Busy
CUL8R: See you Later
DMI: Don’t Mention It
DWBH: Don’t Worry Be Happy
F2F: Face to Face
FTR: For The Record
FWD: Forward
FYEO: For Your Eyes Only
GFN: Gone For Now
GTG: Got To Go
HNK: Hugs n Kisses
HAGD: Have a Good Day
HIG: How’s it Going
ILY: I Love You
JC: Just Checking
JK: Just Kidding
JW: Just Wondering
MYOB: Mind Your Own Business
NMU: Not Much, You?
ROFL: Rolling On The Floor Laughing
STS: So To Speak
TAFN: That’s All For Now
TTFN: Ta Ta For Now
TTYL: Talk To You Later
THX: Thanks
TY: Thank You
Hopefully you’ll find a use for these fun acronyms, and until next time, TAFN, TTYL, HAGD, and remember, DWBH!