As a writer, it’s crucial that I also read, constantly. I can be found with a book in hand at any free minute I have when I’m not working, and even while I am working, doing research, or just checking out other’s blogs to make sure I’m writing about the best topics, I come across a lot of things that are just plain annoying. So, I write… as a reader to a blogger.
Dear Blogger,
There are some things that a reader just doesn’t like. I feel like it may be helpful to point these out to you. I like to be able to comment on what you’re writing. If I can’t, what is the point of you being on a blog, it’s intent is to be social, and to converse with people on a subject to which you’ve posted your opinion. If you’re giving me useful information, how can I ask a question if one might arise? Please be sure to have comments enabled. It’s a quick programming fix and us readers really appreciate things like that. Another thing that really gets us to never come back to your page is to post a blog full of links. As soon as I click the link, I’ve left the blog to see what someone else has to say, and all because you let me. If I wanted a search result, I’d go to Google, but I came to your blog to hear what you have to say. So keep it simple, just your own information is fine. Blogger, another thing that’s really hurtful – literally – is using fonts that are more design friendly than reader friendly. It’s great to have a nice design and color scheme, but how can I read it if my eyes are trying so hard to focus? Here’s another thing that makes me not want to read your blog: if it’s impersonal. You could be talking about rocket science, and sure, that can get a little boring, but you’re blogging, and if you’re really an expert you can interject your personality and make it fun. Nicole blogs about SEO, and that’s not really too fun, but she describes it in lamens terms and with her personality prominently displayed throughout her writing. This is something most bloggers do, so try to keep it more toward the personal side. And lastly, provide us with a blogroll! Sometimes, we want to refer back to other things you’ve written, and that just makes it so much easier. Keep up the good work, and don’t do any of these things, and I’ll stay completely happy, keep coming back, and drive traffic to your site that will turn into leads.
Thank you,
Your Reader